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Showing posts from August, 2019

How to Overcome Cravings in Addiction Recovery?

Any addict inevitably faces strong cravings in recovery. How to manage them and stay sober? Read in my article Best Ways to Ease Substance Cravings

Opioid Crisis: Is It Possible to Stop Opioid Abuse?

How to beat opioid addiction? What are the ways to overcome this disorder? Learn more about it from my article Opioid Epidemic: How to Stop It?

Can Technology Come in Handy in Addiction Recovery?

How to use technologies for those struggling with substance abuse? Read about it in my article  You Can Use Technology for Addiction Recovery

How to support your loved one in recovery?

Support is an essential part of addiction treatment process. How to help a person you love on their way to recovery? I am about it in my article Best Ways to Support Your Beloved One at Addiction Rehab

What interferes you to stay sober?

What are most common obstacles people face on their way to sobriety? There are some mistakes that most people make in recovery. Find out how to avoid them in my article 5 Common Mistakes People Make on Their Way to Sobriety.

Sports against Addiction

Is workout the best remedy during holistic addiction recovery? Sports Against Addiction: Is Workout the Best Remedy?

How to Avoid Opioids?

What natural painkillers can substitute opioids? NO MORE OPIOIDS: NATURAL PAINKILLERS TO AVOID ADDICTION

Hidden Signs of Teen Addiction

How to spot hidden signs of teen addiction? What are the evidence of your child's addiction?

Mindfulness and Meditation in Addiction Recovery

Is it possible to rewire the brain with the help of meditation? Can mindfulness techniques be an option in addiction treatment? Learn how to use ancient eatern practices in recovery Mindful Recovery. Meditation To Rewire An Addicted Brain

Am I an Addict?

What are 5 traits all addicted people share in common? How to recognize an addict? Sings of addiction are described in my article Am I An Addict? 5 Qualities Different Drug Users Share In Common

Teens, technologies and drugs. What's the relation?

What are the main sources of drugs for teens? How to protect your child from drug abuse? Read my article on CyberWise Blog How Technology is Hooking Teens Up With Drugs

Is food addiction the same as drug addiction?

Have you noticed that various addictions have something in common? To find out if there's a difference between overeating and taking drugs read an article on Jen's blog WHAT FOOD AND DRUG ADDICTION SHARE IN COMMON?

8 Million People in the US Have Dual Diagnosis

For those struggling with addiction and mental disorder Here is my article on symptoms and treatment stages of dual diagnosis The Ins and Outs of Dual Diagnosis Treatment